"I'm studying so hard, but it's just never enough." "I wake up early to study for the exam, but I just never get the right answers." "Why does it feel like it's never going to be worth it?" "Don't we get a medal for even trying?" "Don't we get an applause for being driven at... Continue Reading →

“This longest of rides, this thing we call life.”

11 years has passed. I can still hear her sobs. Gently, telling herself to calm down. Gently, telling herself it’s been a long time. I have been bitter my whole life. I couldn’t see how beautiful love was. I couldn’t get it, Or am I just blinded Of how glorious it would feel To have... Continue Reading →


  Let me tell you a story, a story you may have heard between the four walls of a room, or a story made by mouths who cannot abstain to shut up, or a story you're just hungry to know. A story inspired by someone, but it can be yours too. This is an abstruse story,... Continue Reading →


It's morning again. Same life on another day.   I get up and flash that sham smile, Like I always do every damn time. I stop and look myself in the mirror, From head to toe, A little longer. Naked, fragile, just me, Hating everything that I see. Look at me, I will never be... Continue Reading →


  "Mom, can we really fight this war through prayers?" "Yes ofcourse. If we could all just be one." PRAYERS ARE POWERFUL. I am sad that the people can't still process how prayers can be an armor against a cruel world we are living in today. I have seen a lot of people sharing about... Continue Reading →

God’s Miracles

  "God works in mysterious ways." It is cliche. But it is the truth. My life would be a living proof of it.  When I joined YFC, I felt that it did change me. It changed me for the better. I felt that my faith was growing stronger with God. And in everything I do,... Continue Reading →

My type of Summer 

They say,  "Every summer has a story".  Well I believe it is, because summer can be the time where people go to the beach and tan lines will appear, but memories will be still; it can be the time where adults have the minute to spend with their kids who has left home to work... Continue Reading →


Hey everyone! My real name is Eden Vina Grate but I would want to be known as Prince Lancelot. If you're asking how I came up with that name, I don't have any valid reason either. But I do know when I came up with that name. Well, while I was watching "Night at the... Continue Reading →

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