“Mom, can we really fight this war through prayers?”

“Yes ofcourse. If we could all just be one.


I am sad that the people can’t still process how prayers can be an armor against a cruel world we are living in today.

I have seen a lot of people sharing about it on their social media accounts or tweeting it, and posting statuses with hashtags #Prayfortheworld. But do you actually do it?

Doesn’t it bother you the idea of, what if your city is next? What if the place you are living now is next? What if the people you love is next? WHAT IF YOUR FAMILY IS NEXT? WHAT IF YOU ARE NEXT?

Doesn’t it scare you? What if your parents got caught as you are reading this at the moment? Did you pray to protect them or you just slept last night comfortably because wars are not happening in your place right now?
You have to think. If you don’t have any care about the people in Marawi or in the people in Manchester or to any place who are affected with wars, then please at least pray for your family and for yourself. As of now, I don’t think we are all safe.

Just thinking about children who were killed during the concert, it just kills my heart. Knowing that their hope for tomorrow was gone in an instant. They still have a lot to look forward to. Just imagining the screams of those people whom all they wanted was to be happy at that time, just drives me to kill those people who did it, but sadly I can’t.

Don’t you ever imagine that you might experience what they are experiencing right now, if you wouldn’t help in praying to stop this violence?

So I encourage you to PRAY. Pray for the people who are affected in the wars, pray for the innocent children who died, pray for the people who wished nothing but happiness in that concert, Pray for the people in Marawi, in Manchester, and all the other places who has to go through this devastation. Pray like you mean it. Pray for the world.

If you are laughing because you think prayers are not seriously helpful, and you need a quick solution, then you don’t deserve to be here. Have a heart. In fact, you can’t do anything anyway. So stop blabbing and start praying.

As a person behind all those social media accounts, we can do nothing and we wish we could. But at least help them, help the people, help the terrorists to enlighten their minds to stop this, to stop destroying worlds between worlds, by praying.

Imagine, If all of us are praying for a better world now, there’s a chance a lot of people will be saved, including you, tomorrow.

I hope that you will be with us, through our prayers. We can fight this war through prayers, I hope you believe in this as I do.

“If you pray now, I will save you tomorrow.”-God
God bless us all and be safe.
#spreadlove #bekind #prayfortheworld #manchester #marawi #world #pleasestop

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