My type of Summer 

They say,

 “Every summer has a story”. 

Well I believe it is, because summer can be the time where people go to the beach and tan lines will appear, but memories will be still; it can be the time where adults have the minute to spend with their kids who has left home to work their ass off for the sake of the family, or it maybe the only time people get to live a life they have been wanting. We all have a different kind of story. Some may just sit there or sleep because they can’t afford summer. But most are able to go and live a life everyone long for.

But here’s a tip for those who just stays home:

You can still make summer worthwhile. Believe me when I say that. Don’t be insecure of those who can do anything they want. This can be the time for you to be motivated and learn some new skills. While you’re at home, you can have a lot of time to workout, get into shape, learn skills and get exposed to new different things.

That was actually just a tip for you. So here is my summer story:


My summer isn’t quite that ideal too, but I was very grateful that I got to spend it outside even if it was just for 3 days.
We went to a lot of places, places which makes you think how small you and your problems are, places I didn’t even know existed, and places which were unimaginably beautiful.

#1 Welcome to Hindang Caves and Wild Monkeys

 Location: Hindang, Southern Leyte

I really like how the stairs are made. It is quite traditional since it is made of woods, but the style were amazing. It was my favorite. The monkeys startled me a lot! When I knew there were monkeys who would actually get your food and stuff. But fortunately they didn’t. I was so scared that I always hold on to my cousin, and make sure that my phone was on the bag. But don’t worry, there are tour guides who would lead you and would never let anything happen to you. There are numerous monkeys around here, but don’t startle them, they might get crazy. So in entering this place, you should be as quiet as you can. 

Tourists or people who would go here has the oppurtunity to see monkeys’ exhibition, where tourists would sit and put some biscuits in their hands, then the monkeys would eat the biscuits and people will be able to capture some pictures. My cousins did it, and I felt that it was really brave for them, because I can’t do it .

These magnificent caves will make you think how little you and your problems are. 

This quote is quite cliche, but it’s true when you get to experience seeing places and caves bigger than you. That’s why it has always been a great advice for everyone to travel and see new places. 


Location: Sitio Danao, Maasin City

A place where exotic animals are found. 

These are just some of the numerous animals that is found there. Some birds have impish attitude towards the people that are checking them out. Most of the animals here are obscure or not well known.


Location: Padre Burgos, Maasin City

Probably the prettiest place I have ever seen. It is a great place to relax and it gives you the oppurtunity to pamper yourself. Its peacefulness and the fresh view of the place screams freedom.

This is located when you enter the resort. The swimming pool isn’t that big, but the view from up there is exquisite. 

This is your view when you go inside one of their resthouses or cottages.

This was located when you enter the resort. We were astounded by the view, so we took a picture.

It is advisable to take pictures and videos when you are traveling. Yes it’s true that you have to live in the moment, but memories? They are fleeting. So pictures and videos partake a lot in our lives. Memories live there.


Location: Sogod, Southern Leyte

This place is really great. I was really impressed by it, because for a newbie, they nailed it. My cousins were swooning to go there, but I didn’t get to enjoy staying there because I didn’t have the oppurtunity to swim and enjoy the lights, because of some important reasons.

This is located at the back of the cottages, outside the gates. The pictures doesn’t give justice to the beauty of the place. It was more beautiful in person.

I just wish they included this place in the resort and put some cottages here, because you can actually feel bliss when you are here. The waves are tumultuous, but it can calm your heart. 

#5 Tangkaan

Location: Tangkaan, Padre Burgos

I went here for like 3 times already. It is still very beautiful. Nature really do has it all. 

 This will be your view from the top. Breathtaking huh? Yes especially when you see it in person.

This is where people get to dive from.

You know what’s more beautiful about this place? Even though it is immensely gifted from nature, the entrance is affordable. The locals or the people living in the same town have always been going here. It is affordable + you get a free ravishing view. It can be a good place for family outings.


Location: Maasin City, Southern Leyte


We had to walk 500+ steps just to get to this striking view, and the worse thing about “500+ steps” is the fact that it was stairs. But being able to come to this church made it all worth it. 

The surprising thing about this place is that the holiness about it covers all, the people, the church and everything that surrounds it.

 Let me give you a proof. Yes, this had 500+ steps, and you are already expected to have muscle aches when you wake up tomorrow, and guess what? We didn’t get any. Even though the stairs were quite slidy and all, still no one got hurt and everyone felt safe. It was really awesome to experience such holiness and sacredness of a certain place. 

This is located when you enter the place. You may not see the stairs but it was really daunting. 

This is located just above the church. This is where prayers are heard and minds find peace and hearts feel bliss.


Location: Matalom, Leyte

When I say “the most famous”, I mean in a way that everybody in town loves to go there, or possibly the only place where you can enjoy an island without spending too much.

You have to walk through here to get to the boats. (Though this photo was taken when we got off from the boat and preparing to go home)

Though the boats were big, it is still inevitable for the waves to never shudder.

When we got off, unsurprisingly the island was mobbed with people. Mostly people whom I probably know or some tourists.

The best thing about this place is that the entrance is quite inexpensive and everyone can afford it. Even teens with no work. They can just enjoy summer without spending a lot of money. You just have to be summer ready, which I mean: with camera gears, #bodygoals, and all that can please society (specifically people behind social media accounts).

I don’t know why I was really happy at this moment, but believe me, bliss can be only achieved when you try to find it. It is indispensable to go see the world with your own eyes. You may be teetering in your way back or get lost at some point. But believe me, that’s truly where the magic begins.

Your comfort zone can be maddening. It is very annoying to see same places at another day.

To go somewhere, to travel, to live. These things should be irrepressible.

If you are an adult and you’re reading this, it’s never too late. While you’re still breathing, while you’re still here, you still have a chance to do everything and anything you can.

If you are a teen,  you are so lucky. You have a lot of years to live a life every one desires and everyone has regretted wasting. Don’t let yourself regret not living it. Don’t let yourself wake up one day, bemoaning about a life you choose: should have taken the risk, should have done it, should have travelled, should have, should have.

Make sure at the end of the day, you would say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.

If you can’t still afford it right now, or if your situation wouldn’t allow you to have fun yet, then don’t push it. It might just make the situation worse. Don’t worry, your time will come. Just make sure that you will take every oppurtunity that comes your way,  for it might change the course of your life.
Good luck! And God bless! 😊🙏

P.s You might say that you have seen these places and it’s quite common and unreasonable. I just want to remind you that this is my story, not yours. If you have seen these places, maybe you should write your own. #spreadlove #bekind #summer

//All photos are mine//

8 thoughts on “My type of Summer 

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  1. Wow… Your trip is really interesting.
    The scenery takes are aesthetic. Loving the style where you slip in words here and there beneath your pictures.
    Hope to see more from you.
    Have hope, write on, Prince Lancelot, as you wanted to be called, Eden.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such gorgeous pictures, even one of these destinations sounds like a trip of a lifetime (but I think you’ll be going on more haha)


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